Token Editions proudly welcomes Francis and Laurence Minoza, the brothers, designers, and 3D animation artists behind Nicebleed, as they present their newest collection of NFTs, “Wanderers”.
The artworks in this collection follow lone astronauts, descendants of Nicebleed’s Kryptonauts, as they roam planetary systems, stand at the forefront of galactic portals, and transmit signals that traverse space and time. Are they forever destined to wander the far depths of distant dimensions? Or will their interstellar journeys cross the paths of other space beings? Join Nicebleed on their cosmic quest to find out.
A tranquil exploration of the sounds, colors and orbs of the cosmos via the journeys of lone space wanderers.
Nicebleed, the collaborative duo of brothers Francis and Laurence Minoza, grew up in the Philippines and now reside in the U.S.. Their origin story took them down an unpredictable path, paving their own way as artists, with a goal of making a living off of their art and passion. Over a decade of self-taught photoshop skills, designing t-shirts, and a couple of big breaks, Nicebleed was able to finally call themselves full-time artists. Their space-themed artworks entered the NFT space in 2021, followed by “Kryptonauts”, a collection of 100 unique, non-generative astronauts. Learn more about Nicebleed and their space wanderers in their Artist Portrait.